What is the different between typical business email & email marketing tools?

Typical business email refers to the standard email clients that individuals and businesses use for personal and professional communication. Examples include Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and other similar email clients. In contrast, email marketing tools are specialized platforms specifically designed for businesses to send email campaigns and marketing messages to their subscribers, customers, or prospects. Here…

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E-Flyer Distribution Using DotMail

An e-flyer, also known as an electronic flyer or digital flyer, is a visually appealing and informative promotional tool that is distributed electronically through various online platforms, email campaigns, social media networks, and websites. It serves as a digital alternative to traditional paper flyers and is designed to capture the attention of a target audience,…

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How remarketing works in email marketing?

Remarketing in email marketing refers to the practice of targeting specific segments of your email list with tailored messages in order to re-engage them and encourage them to take a desired action. It involves sending personalized emails to individuals who have already interacted with your brand or subscribed to your email list but haven’t yet…

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How to use email marketing to acquire customers?

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses obtain new customers and retain existing ones. Here are some tips on how to utilize an email marketing system to obtain customers: Build a targeted email list: Creating a targeted email list is essential to ensure that your emails are reaching the right people. You…

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